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La balle fausse d’Ozzie Albies touche son manager, Brian Snitker, dans les noix.

La balle fausse d’Ozzie Albies touche son manager, Brian Snitker, dans les noix.

Par handlit33


  1. DmitriShostabrovich

    Great plate discipline to get 2 balls on what is usually a strike.

  2. mF-Jonezy

    What the fuck Ozzie? You don’t hit a guy in the dick!

  3. mysterysackerfice

    Involuntary birth control has never been this painful.

  4. MahomestoHel-aire

    Announcers having to explain non-TV safe moments in TV safe ways will never not be funny.

  5. NicolasBroaddus

    « Do managers wear cups? »

    Well I bet he will now if he wasn’t before.

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