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James Wood supplante Jackson Holliday comme espoir numéro 1 du baseball

James Wood supplante Jackson Holliday comme espoir numéro 1 du baseball

Par DemonFrog


  1. CarPhoneRonnie


  2. Signal-Assistance-97

    And all it took was being able to hit in the MLB

  3. Huge-Efficiency

    Need a hero to give out the new top 100 list

  4. TruthSayerFu

    I know he’s young but I was not impressed with woods defense at all. He looks like he’ll hit tho

  5. UnabashedPerson43

    You’re telling me a guy who went 2-34 with 18 strikeouts and no extra base hits isn’t the No. 1 prospect in all of baseball?

  6. Onpointandicy

    going 0-a million will do that to a brotha

  7. successadult

    I’m sure he’ll be just fine, but it worries me when guys like Holliday who have been successful everywhere they go suddenly struggle. Hopefully he bounces back quickly to be that guy again.

    Reminds me of the beginning of Moneyball (the book) talking about Billy Beane being such an incredible athlete, then not handling failure well when he moved up to the next level of competition and his psyche not being able to handle it well enough to stick around long as a player.

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