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(Point fort) Teoscar Hernandez envoie un ballon dans l’espace dans le champ intérieur pour s’en sortir face aux Diamondbacks !

(Point fort) Teoscar Hernandez envoie un ballon dans l’espace dans le champ intérieur pour s’en sortir face aux Diamondbacks !

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. suzukigun4life

    First blown save of the season for Sewald. What a brutal time for it to happen for D’Backs fans

  2. Rollo8173

    The Freeman double was perhaps the most predictable hit in history

  3. YaketyMax

    What kind of noodle arm throw to home was that??

  4. Greg Holland secretly replaced Seawald with two outs nobody on

  5. LosAngeles1s

    I’m pouring an unreasonable amount of honey

  6. WerewolfNo3669

    Surprising they pitched to Freeman there. I thought he was getting that IBB right off the bat.

  7. All with 2 outs too. Amazing. I thought that Will Smith double off the wall was going to be just a tease at the end, but Freddie and Teo came up with hits. Sweeeeeet

  8. karim_eczema

    An Angels fan definitely had the Tungsten post typed out and ready to go

  9. GoofyGoober0064

    Wow celebrating like its their world series

  10. Appropriate-Sort-202


    Cant believe freakin Castellanos is leading Teo for all star voting.

    TEO is BALLING for the Dodgers this season. BALLING!

    Great fuckin win Dodger fam!!

  11. prettyrickyyyy69

    Teo is one of my favorite Dodgers ever I swear

  12. HeavensRoyalty

    DBack fans are unhinged just because of Freddie’s celebration dance lol the stuff I’m seeing is crazy

  13. Capital_Werewolf_788

    That throw was ass, i think freeman is out at the plate if the throw was more accurate.

  14. dotFlatMap

    weird to throw anything in the zone when you have freddie freeman down 0-2 with 2 outs

  15. Sliiiiime

    Fucking made Shohei look foolish right before this. What a kick in the nuts. 2 blown saves in 3 innings, reminiscent of the 2023 Snakes

  16. Pal__Pacino

    This is becoming redundant to say, but what a terrific call by Joe Davis.

  17. Tungsten arm is rolling in his grave right now

  18. SuperMario_49

    How in the world do you blow this!? Getting Shohei out almost guaranteed the win

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