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(Point fort) Aaron Judge frappe une balle en ligne dans les sièges pour un tir en solo

(Point fort) Aaron Judge frappe une balle en ligne dans les sièges pour un tir en solo

Par ThatInception


  1. Cvnilivee

    Its like witnessing the birth of the universe

  2. imightbehitler

    why does everyone freak out about getting a judge home run ball? everyone gets one

  3. Constant_Gardner11

    That’s my current MLB Triple Crown leader.

  4. VirtuousFool

    Righty Biracial Ruth

    Argue with ya mutha

  5. InaudibleShout

    What the fuck man. What the fuck.

    So consistent it’s wild. 3-4 on the night, taking his average up to .321 to continue leading the bigs (along with HR and RBI).

  6. OCHL092018

    Why are teams still pitching to him? He has 3 hits tonight lol

  7. bigcee42

    Batting average up to .321 now. Judge is insane.

  8. TheWorstYear

    Should have posted the Reds side of it. Literally saying how we should intentionally walk him as he hits a home run.

  9. SalemsRot

    Welcome to the Aaron Judge home run thread, it’s just like all the others

  10. RidleyScotch

    Just putting it out there that Barry Bonds has the most home runs by the All Star Break, which is 39

  11. TheTurtleShepard

    Pitching to Judge with Verdugo on deck who is terrible vs Lefties and has a .384 OPS since June 15th, is a choice today the least

  12. ThisGuy6266

    Two outs, two run lead, nobody on base, the lefty Verdugo on deck.

    First pitch right down the middle.

  13. DeusExHyena

    Before you all say « lol why you throw him bad pitch, » they’re trying not to! What makes him and other great hitters great is that he rarely misses when the pitch is in that spot. Whereas others do. So you’re thinking, I better not miss…. which is not the ideal way to be thinking.

    also lol at 1.158 OPS

  14. crashintodmb413

    I’m rock hard and moist all in one

  15. SicilianSour

    i think whats impressed me so much about judge is that the mantra of him always being hurt seems like a distant memory. this dude shows up every day, all game, and absolutely dominates. hell of a player

  16. MasterTeacher123

    I’ve been watching since the mid 1990’s and he’s one of the 5 best players I ever seen

  17. 3_Mighty_Ninja_Ducks

    If I was the opposing team, not only would I walk this man, I’d have designated people to go out and lay cloth down the line in front of him, so his cleats don’t get dirtier, and a guy there to say shit like « Well stepped, your grace » and « the stride of a lion » as he walked to first.

  18. The Yankees have 6 batters behind judge with a sub .700 ops and yet teams still pitch to this man. I don’t get it.

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