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(WDIV) Un service de police de Floride a confirmé à WDIV qu’une enquête est en cours concernant le commentateur des Detroit Tigers Craig Monroe suite à des accusations de viol sur mineur au cours de sa carrière de joueur

(WDIV) Un service de police de Floride a confirmé à WDIV qu’une enquête est en cours concernant le commentateur des Detroit Tigers Craig Monroe suite à des accusations de viol sur mineur au cours de sa carrière de joueur

Par LunchThreatener


  1. Detroit Tigers are really aces at picking their color tv analysts.

    Hope everything gets sorted out and if justice needs to be meted it is

  2. JanitorOfSanDiego

    The information in the article regarding the woman and when it was:

    >A woman on Twitter and Instagram accused Monroe of raping her when she was a child while he lived with her family as a minor-leaguer.

    >She said Monroe was playing for the Port Charlotte Rangers at the time. Monroe played 92 games in Port Charlotte in 1997, a full season in 1998, and 130 games in 1999.

    >The woman’s accusations extend beyond Monroe’s time in Port Charlotte, including while he was with the Tigers.

  3. horsepoop1123

    The woman in question has held in this nightmare for decades because he threatened to hurt her if she told anyone.

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