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« J’étais confus. Je me disais : « Pourquoi suis-je ici ? » » Brandon Nimmo s’est réveillé tôt lundi matin, le front en sang sur le sol de la salle de bains. Il décrit l’épisode effrayant qui l’a empêché de participer à la séance d’entraînement de lundi :

« J’étais confus. Je me disais : « Pourquoi suis-je ici ? » » Brandon Nimmo s’est réveillé tôt lundi matin, le front en sang sur le sol de la salle de bains. Il décrit l’épisode effrayant qui l’a empêché de participer à la séance d’entraînement de lundi :

Par Stock412


  1. transtrailtrash

    eek that’s scary. sounds like orthostatic hypotension which should resolve with hydration and being less sick, which is reassuring i guess?

  2. hubagruben

    Sounds a lot like a dehydration event my dad had last summer. Came in from the garden to get some water, fell facedown onto the kitchen floor, passed out, cut his forehead pretty bad. I came running downstairs and thought the worst. After a trip to the hospital and a few nerve-wracking hours, it was quite a relief that it was simply dehydration. It’s made me (and him) make sure to drink fluids a lot more, though.

  3. cooljammer00

    Sounds like much more than « just a cut », as it was reported.

  4. CarPhoneRonnie

    I’ve pretty much never experienced anything like that

  5. InfectiousCosmology1

    He needs to stop sprinting to the bathroom when he has to pee at night.

  6. PsychologicalRow9028

    Wondering if it’s related to the pitch he took off the helmet a few days ago

  7. like people have said – dehydration, also these guys had an insanely long rain delay yesterday before going into extras before traveling. exhaustion doesn’t help

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