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Gerrit Cole frappe Vladdy à la main avec une balle rapide à 97 MPH, les entraîneurs voulaient le surveiller mais il est resté dans le match

Gerrit Cole frappe Vladdy à la main avec une balle rapide à 97 MPH, les entraîneurs voulaient le surveiller mais il est resté dans le match

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. TheTurtleShepard

    This is the Yankees league leading 55th batter HBP this season and their 16th in the last 2 weeks

  2. MattO2000

    I gotta admit even as a Yankee fan it’s been kinda hilarious how many HBP the Yankees pitchers have given up after Judge got plunked

    And it seems about every one has led to a run scoring

  3. Wonder if Yankees fans will have the same opinion on this HBP as they did on the Judge one

  4. If Cole cant pitch inside without hitting anyone he shouldnt pitch inside

  5. irishfan321

    Looks like Gausman just retaliated on Judge now, can’t really say I blame them, hope this is the end of it

  6. Jonjon428

    4D chess by the Yankees injuring everyone they face /s

  7. Sure do hit a **LOT** of batters for a team that is so vocal about their batters being hit.

    Almost like they’re hypocrites…

  8. buff_001

    I seriously doubt Cole hit him on purpose especially with all the rumors of trading for him at the deadline

  9. yianni1229

    FWIW, Gerrit did apologize to him, at least it looked like he did

  10. Why are a lot of bigger name players seemly going hit in the hand recently?

  11. He hit Jansen on the hands in this game already…. Two guys on the hands in 3 innings.

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