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Arron Judge reçoit une balle rapide dans les côtes de Gausman après que Vladdy ait été touché à la main lors de la manche précédente

Arron Judge reçoit une balle rapide de Gausman dans les côtes après que Vladdy ait été touché à la main la manche précédente

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. angryjukebox

    Yankees have hit 7 jays batters over the series, this is the first Yankee to be hit, for context.

  2. TheDangiestSlad

    that’s it, this means war. Vlad and Judge must enter a neutral site and fight to the death

  3. LearningT0Fly

    Lol defending [probable] future Yankee Vladdy.

  4. Jetersweiner

    Given the circumstances the retribution is understandable.

    As a Yankees fan I obviously hate seeing Judge plunked but the Jays and Gausman did it the right way. One attempt, middle of the back, not up and in and no chirping. If you’re gonna do it that’s how you do it. They sent the message time to move on.

  5. bablob14

    vladdys about to get another one in the spine now

  6. Darkdragon3110525

    This is pointless, Yanks will hit 30 more blue jays anyway, they don’t have a single pitcher with control but love to go up and in

  7. bablob14

    Has Kevin gausman always sucked? It seems like he was better at one point

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