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Corey Seager est touché au poignet par un lancer, il quitterait immédiatement le jeu

Corey Seager est touché au poignet par un lancer, il quitterait immédiatement le jeu

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. ehholfman

    Welp, this has truly been a very no good, not fun at all, season. I will root for wherever Evo, Yates, Lorenzen, and Robertson go to at the deadline.

    Get better Corey 🙁

  2. TheTurtleShepard

    It feels like this has been happening **A LOT** recently

  3. post_angst


    Went down quick. Like a guy getting gut shot on Bonanza.

  4. jfrodriguez1983

    Winning this year was not meant to be. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Adolis hit in the wrist late April and hasn’t been the same hitter since. Jung got hit in the wrist early season and broke his wrist and still can’t return, a month after his original return date.

  5. beefytrout

    I refuse to accept this wasn’t retaliation for hitting an O earlier

    edit: y’all should look up what « refuse to accept » means

  6. StructureGlad7299

    Are more players getting hit in the hand/wrist more this season? What is going on

  7. draculasbitch

    To immediately head from home plate to the clubhouse is an awful sign. We need our stars. Let’s hope it’s not a broken wrist.

  8. dmlfan928

    Never good when the player takes themselves out without even talking to the trainer. Hope it’s just a bad bruise and he can be back in a few days.

  9. Chinese-dog

    The body remains but the soul is dead, shattered and torn and grinded down into particles smaller than even dust, leaving behind only the stink of broken dreams and faded happiness. The stomach turns in twisted agony as the mind sees the prince in blue leaving the field. The liver, as useless as it ever was and will be, continues to struggle with the meager weight of twenty-two sixteen-ounce cans worth of Michelob and Miller bustling down its way. The liquids filled with malt, hops, and alcohol do little to replace the water that so freely flows out of the lower eyelids.

    The camera footage transitions out to a shot of the stadium, the skyline of the godless land of Baltimore just within view. It switches again, a montage of young men brandishing the red and blue being demolished and torn by the disturbed and criminal Orange and black hooligans from the close northeast. The taste of vomit climbs closer and closer to the tongue. The mind stares down into the ever-growing void. « Why? » it asks. « Why would anyone put themselves through such mental anguish and torture? » The void stared back. « Go Rangers, see you tomorrow. »

  10. Apoc_Dreams

    Didn’t look too flush to me. Hopefully no fracture and he’ll only be out the next 4 games or so. (No need to check the upcoming Pads schedule).

  11. If you are a fan of baseball, you are a fan of Corey Seager.

  12. Shit, that’s both Jung and Seager taken out by wrist shots?

  13. EastTexasAg


  14. Mr_Lapis

    Listen Orioles fans I’m sure a lot of you are good people but understand I’m never forgiving the team for this if he misses the rest of the season

  15. Electric1800

    Shit is fucking heart breaking. He does not deserve this. All dude wants to do it put his head down and play. And is constantly getting fucked with injuries

  16. forgivemeisuck

    Pitchers are sick of all the elbow injury epidemic so they started breaking every batter’s wrist.

  17. FPG_Matthew

    Wow I am so happy the Rangers won the WS last year. Cuz if they hadn’t, man oh man it’d be defcon 1 emergency status for this season

  18. Jonjon428

    The amount of people getting injured by pitches this year is insane

  19. chrisgilbertcreative

    Fuck. The demand for velocity is bad for the elbows, and the degradation in control as a result is bad for everything else. I’m not sure how you tell these guys whose paychecks are dependent on #s to limit themselves, but something has to give.

  20. hotrod19812

    There goes our season. Shades of 2014 all over again!

  21. PrimetimeD18

    Seager has some of the worst injury luck. Dude is a complete menace of a hitter and the game is better when he is playing.

  22. rfloresjr611

    Anyone got stats on wild pitches? Like the kind that just slipped out a bit u know. Cuz if the sticky stuff ban

  23. hasta_la_pasta

    What a crybaby. Also no attempt to avoid.

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