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Les Mariners de Seattle, leaders de l’AL West, ont la pire moyenne au bâton d’équipe du baseball (.218)

Par Knightbear49


  1. Wise_ol_Buffalo

    After watching last nights game I don’t think we’re done with our plummeting BA.

  2. Clarice_Ferguson

    We’re going to Forrest Gump our way to the WS and the only thing that can stop that is ourselves.

  3. mysterysackerfice

    I wonder if they’d be willing to part with some pitching to pick up a bat or two

  4. Mr_Beer_Pizza

    Whoa, I didn’t realize it was that high.

  5. okay_throwaway_today

    Yeah but they have a .666 OPS 😈

  6. epinefrain

    The Angels have a chance to do the funniest thing

  7. ihatereddit999976780

    who needs batting average when you have pitching?

  8. IntelligentCommenter

    I’m not a mathematician why should I care

  9. ancientmadder

    I wonder if they play in the most offense suppressing ballpark in the league?

  10. We’re 6th in the league in walks and 5th in outside zone swing percentage, but we’re 29th in zone contact percent and 30th in strikeouts. We’re also 6th in average exit velocity and 3rd in hard hit percent.

    These guys have developed a great sense of the zone, but when it comes to actually hitting the ball with a bat, all they can do is swing really hard and hope for the best.

    It’s mind numbingly frustrating to watch, to say the least.

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