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Jhonkensy Noel frappe un circuit de deux points à 115 mph sur toute la ligne

Jhonkensy Noel frappe un circuit de deux points à 115 mph sur toute la ligne

Par HalfwayThereOne_


  1. mithrandir9378

    Classy of the mods to continue deleting this

  2. lawrence_uber_alles

    Which was reviewed and most definitely foul and somehow was still ruled a homerun.

  3. oh______no

    don’t know what the umps saw to call that a fair ball…

  4. GradySizemoreYaoi

    OP you should have made the title of this more incendiary.

  5. RedSpecial22

    Absolutely clearly foul and it isn’t even close. Replay is a joke.

  6. Boostweather

    Ball was clearly foul what the actual fuck

  7. rbhindepmo

    Noel has so much power that he doesn’t even have to hit it fair to hit it out

  8. This was reviewed, and the Royal’s broadcast showed the ball go left of the foul pole, but glance off of the wire that connects the side netting to the foul pole.

    Somehow the call stood as a HR. Ridiculous.

  9. You mean foul ball called a HR because the umps are not capable of doing their jobs correctly 

  10. HalfwayThereOne_

    I guess it was foul. Guys I just like hard hit balls I’m sorry 😭

  11. fulcrum1924

    We literally never get the calls against Cleveland I don’t get it

  12. TaxationIsThETH

    foul ball. enjoy the 2 free runs the umps gave ya

  13. E4MafiaLife

    I wonder if the umpire crew at least bought the Royals dinner before fucking them

  14. snoman41

    I don’t understand how that gets reviewed and they confirmed the call? This game should be played under protest

  15. Abeskitty

    Umps reviewed and said the call stands. I don’t understand how that happens during a review of a home run. Whether the ball goes left or right of a giant yellow pole is not ambiguous at all.

  16. DZepperoni

    Uhhhh Royals fans do yall have a clip somewhere? Like I’m 100% genuinely asking, haven’t seen a clip of it being foul from our broadcast

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