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(Point fort) Cal Raleigh prend le dessus sur son colocataire universitaire Cole Sands. Les Mariners s’imposent face aux Twins en 10 points

(Point culminant) Cal Raleigh prend le dessus sur son colocataire universitaire Cole Sands. Les marins quittent les Twins en 10

Par Knightbear49


  1. SenorFarthole

    Aw yeah walk-off swinging bunt suck it

  2. 3elieveIt

    The least convincing win I’ve ever seen. Wow.

  3. TheDrCatDog

    The 30 Million Dollar Man Vásquez with the master class of a game today

  4. danhoang1

    Normally Sands would be happy with that pitch, getting Raleigh to swing at a ball significantly below the zone

  5. Mrpetey22

    We are so mickey. But we don’t lose on City Connect night nor at home

  6. Dramatic_Rain_3410

    First run on a botched play at home

    Second run on an errant throw to first base

    Third and winning run on a soft grounder

    That’s Mriners baseball, baby

  7. Drsustown

    Lmao a walkoff fielder’s choice, possibly the silliest way to win a baseball game

  8. CptKirkleton

    We earned about 0.01 of our runs but hey well take it

  9. _Elrond_Hubbard_

    Christian Vazquez should get -1 WAR for this game 

  10. exexposfan

    If you don’t like that, you don’t like Mariners baseball

  11. A_Hanging_Noose

    Christian Vazquez is a baseball terrorist.

  12. SeattleSporting

    Credit to Julio for putting the ball in play the at bat before this to move JP over to 3rd.

    I know groundouts aren’t sexy, but it’s still a productive out that led to this.

  13. Wise_ol_Buffalo

    0-10 with RISP, what a bizarre game offensively.

  14. WeathrNinja

    That was the most unfulfilling walk-off I think I’ve ever seen

  15. ChrisBenoitDaycare69

    Lol we are such fucking frauds and this inevitable collapse is gonna be of epic proportions.

  16. Substantial_Set_6464

    I kinda hate baseball right now.

  17. TheRage469

    That ball landed where only a perfect 360 no scope from the pitcher would’ve saved the game. Unreal

  18. InfectiousCosmology1

    The mariners and giants have both had walk offs within like 10 minutes of each other twice in the past few weeks

  19. Substantial-Height-8

    The video cut too early, no footage of Cal getting stripped on the field.

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