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(Pavlovic) Les Giants viennent d’annoncer qu’Orlando Cepeda est décédé à l’âge de 86 ans. Le Temple de la renommée a fait irruption dans la cour des grands en atteignant deux places derrière Willie Mays.

(Pavlovic) Les Giants viennent d’annoncer qu’Orlando Cepeda est décédé à l’âge de 86 ans. Le Temple de la renommée a fait irruption dans la cour des grands en atteignant deux places derrière Willie Mays.

Par triplec787


  1. triplec787

    Hug your franchise legends yall 🙁

    What a shit 2 weeks. In the span of like 11 days I’ve had to hear Dave, Jon Miller, and K&K choke up mid game, it just hurts man. RIP Baby Bull <3 He’s playing soft toss with 24 again

  2. see_mohn

    Baby Bull is one of those nicknames that’s always stuck in my memory. Damn.

  3. nogoodnamesleft426

    Losing him and Mays within such a short length of time is just so sad. I imagine it’s how Yankee fans felt in July 2010 losing Bob Sheppard and George Steinbrenner within just a few days of each other.

  4. misterurb

    Tough few weeks for the franchise. Franchise legends never die. 

  5. rbhindepmo

    post-Giants, he bounced around baseball a little, playing for the Cardinals, Braves, A’s, Red Sox, and Royals

  6. pjokinen

    Man just reading his wiki shows you how much adversity he had to overcome. You take an 18-year-old Puerto Rican kid who didn’t speak English and ship him off to the Deep South in 1955 and tell him to really focus on playing baseball

    Then you add in losing his father and falling into a depression on top of all the societal pressures it’s a huge load for a young man to carry

  7. Are there any other giant legends who are up in their age currently? Because god dam the rule of 3’s.

  8. SanFranGoldBlooded


  9. aznsportsfan

    RIP to our 2 kings #24 and #30. Shitty couple of weeks for the organization

  10. Tronn3000

    It’s been a rough couple weeks for Giants fans. RIP Baby Bull. I wasn’t alive back then to witness you or Willie play together but I am proud to have you as a part of Giants history.

    Juan Marichal is the only Giants Hall of Famer from that era left. Protect him at all costs

  11. pollitochiquito

    What a loss for Latin ball players, especially Puerto Ricans. What a rough few days for Giants fans

  12. ContinuumGuy

    What a fucking horrible month for the Giants and baseball.

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