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Les White Sox de Chicago remportent leur premier match à domicile 1-0 depuis le 10 août 2018

Les White Sox de Chicago remportent leur premier match à domicile 1-0 depuis le 10 août 2018

Par Knightbear49


  1. Wraithfighter

    The entire Braves lineup owes Chris Sale an apologetic steak dinner.

  2. SeoulPower88

    I just appreciate that it was against the Braves!

  3. rbhindepmo

    the most amazing tribute to Chris Sale from the White Sox

  4. scottborasismyagent

    winning pitcher – former brave
    losing pitcher – former white sock
    save – prospect who was traded for former white sock

  5. PanderMG

    i had a feeling this would happen on sale’s bump day

  6. okay_throwaway_today

    Love the picture lol, dude’s like “used to pray to God for times like these”

  7. younggun92

    If my memory is correct, this gives us the series win, correct?

  8. Chris Sale losing a 1-0 game in the South Side. Some things never change.

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