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(Annonce affreuse) Michael Kay offre 10 000 $ à tout « voyou qui respire la bouche » et qui peut prouver qu’il reçoit les « ordres de marche » du directeur général des Yankees, Brian Cashman.

(Annonce affreuse) Michael Kay offre 10 000 $ à tout « voyou qui respire la bouche » et qui peut prouver qu’il reçoit les « ordres de marche » du directeur général des Yankees, Brian Cashman.

Par Joey_Logano


  1. Linenoise77

    Naaa, Kay is just such a homer that the Yankees have basically become his version of Scientology.

  2. UsedToThrow90

    I guess it’s a hot take, but I actively want the home announcer to be a homer. To me that’s the point of a team announcer. Why should he be neutral?

  3. SterlingAdmiral

    Damn, I’m a mouthbreathing lowlife but I don’t have any proof about that marching orders stuff. Really thought I was gonna have my moment for a minute there.

  4. jerseys4321

    Michael Kay is the heel announcer we all love to hate

  5. ItsCaptainKeyboard

    I actually like Michael Kay but Lord it’s like every day with this Yankee Boy argument.

  6. increasedvelocity

    Kay really needs to log off and stop reading his own hatemail for his own good

  7. GeorgePosada

    I think Kay is a douche and I’m not sure why he’s so sensitive about this topic, but it’s not really his job to be critical of the team. He’s not a journalist or even an analyst. He’s the play by play guy.

    I’m far more annoyed with the Yankee beat writers whose actual job it is to ask the tough questions, and who in my opinion have gone incredibly soft in recent years

  8. cooljammer00

    What is the accusation, that Kay is a cheerleader? I feel like all he does is complain about the team. That’s how you know he’s not a puppet. Same with Sterling and Waldman.

    I remember when the radio booth was defending Kevin Brown when he got suspended by the Orioles (for saying that the Orioles used to lose to the Rays a lot but now are good and beat the Rays), they were like « How can you do your job if you can’t tell the truth? All we do is talk about how the Yankees can’t hit or run, every day. »

  9. mets2016

    Gary Keith and Ron would never do such a thing

  10. benewavvsupreme

    It’s shocking to me that with their good ole boy version of baseball culture the Yankees are like yeah Michael Kay is great

  11. I hope he has to write a check to John Flaherty.

  12. SemiAutoAvocado

    What a fucking asshole. Just retire already you fucking fossil.

  13. RIP_Greedo

    Kay is really frustrating to listen to re: Cashman because you can tell that he knows so many of the teams problems are with roster construction (he will say as much directly) – ie: why was JD Davis even on the team? Why is DJ still around? But in the next breath he will scoff at the idea that any of the team’s problems are Cashman’s fault.

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