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(Point fort) Yoshinobu Yamamoto élimine les trois frappeurs en 1ère manche avec 15 lancers à son retour !

(Point fort) Yoshinobu Yamamoto élimine les trois frappeurs en 1ère manche avec 15 lancers à son retour !

Par kpopsns28


  1. iForgotMyOldAcc

    And then Imanaga goes through the Dodgers top 3 with 4 pitches lol

  2. chrisumafp

    First time pitching since June

    Seems like he would be a big upgrade over Kershaw with an injured shoulder that needs to be surgically repaired or Lance Lynn giving up 4 homeruns in an inning.

  3. YaketyMax

    A little help from the ump on the last one but I’ll allow it

  4. Salamangra

    I actually forgot the Dodgers had this fucking guy

  5. asiandouchecanoe

    I can’t believe he got all of the LA area free* Jumbo Jacks in like half an hour lol

    *with the purchase of a large drink

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