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(Yankees PR) Lundi, les Yankees ont libéré l’INF Jeter Downs. Downs a signé avec les Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks au Japon.

(Yankees PR) Lundi, les Yankees ont libéré l’INF Jeter Downs. Downs a signé avec les Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks au Japon.

Par Robusto923


  1. oogieball

    A Jeter departure with slightly less fanfare.

  2. TruthSayerFu

    Is that the same team coco went too?. Downs and coco are probably friends

  3. HowDoIEditMyUsername

    Jesus. Enough comments here will be some sort of a joke about Jeter’s name. The thing is, I just respect this guy for the way he went out and played. Every day, he worked hard and tried to put his team and teammates above everything else. Right now, this dude is on his way to Japan, but he’ll always be home in my heart. 

    Now read the first letter of each sentence. Miss you, my captain. 

  4. latterdaysasuke

    Okay, this is an honest question and not meant to be a joke at all:

    Did his parents name him Jeter hoping he’d play for the Yankees one day?

  5. Thorlolita

    Oh man I had no idea they had Jeter. The meme potential was there.

  6. Redbubble89

    At least you got Alex Verdugo and Connor Wong out of that trade….oh wait, that was us.

  7. real jeterheads remember his walkoff single

  8. In retrospect being in the Dodgers system for that brief time made him look way better than he was.

  9. He was kinda killing in AAA this year. Surprised he never got a shot in MLB.

  10. TealandBlackForever

    Jeter Downs always sounded like an unlicensed video game player name to me.

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