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(Passan) BREAKING : Les Diamondbacks de l’Arizona sont en accord sur un accord pour acquérir le releveur gaucher AJ Puk des Marlins de Miami, ont indiqué des sources à ESPN.

(Passan) BREAKING : Les Diamondbacks de l’Arizona sont en accord sur un accord pour acquérir le releveur gaucher AJ Puk des Marlins de Miami, ont indiqué des sources à ESPN.

Par Brady331


  1. Jason82929

    Finally the stove is on! Turn the heat up!

  2. PlayaSlayaX

    So the Marlins gave away JJ Bleday for nothing?

  3. Brad-Stevens

    man I thought that 2016 Draft was gonna be special … it …. wasn’t

  4. Clarice_Ferguson

    The stove is practically on fire!

  5. TrevorBoreance

    They weren’t looking for a big name addition, so they got a guy whose full name is five letters

  6. Bigboi88888

    Deyvison De Los Santos is in the deal per Craig Mish. Im a huge fan of his and im kinda shocked the D Backs gave him up for Puk.

  7. DoctorTheWho

    I’m surprised we got De Los Santos for him. I was expecting an 18-19 year old short league prospect.

  8. JRob370

    Uh how did we pull this one off? De Los Santos has literally been the best hitter in the minors this season when you take age and level into account. I know he has swing and miss concerns, but he has an OPS over 1.000 as a 21 year old in AA/AAA

    I’m pleased

  9. Jonjon428

    Have fun with him. He is either ultra shit or pretty good depending on the day

  10. RangerLover92

    I hate how these threads are « hurr durr, stove is on/hot » or shitposting instead of just commenting on whether or not this is a good trade or not along with some thoughtful anaylsis.

  11. Wraithfighter

    <looks at A.J. Puk’s stats>

    …okay, I’m confused. Puk’s a big get? He’s had some good seasons in the past, but he’s been pretty mediocre this year, and those BB/9 and K/9 numbers aren’t going the direction you’d like them to.

    Maybe I’m just not at all aligned on either him or reliever value in general right now, but what the Marlins are getting for this, this feels like a massive steal and a desperation move by the DBacks that’s likely to cost them down the line.

    EDIT: Ah, he’s a good reliever, but spent a lot of time as a starter this season, where he was……………… not good. Makes a lot more sense now.

  12. boobsandcookies

    Based on this I’m expecting the whole world and a side of fries for Fernando Cruz

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