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Jo Adell continue de dominer les Mariners dans les moments cruciaux avec un simple RBI à 112 MPH !

Jo Adell continue de dominer les Mariners dans les moments cruciaux avec un simple RBI à 112 MPH !

Par rosieDMDL


  1. rosieDMDL

    We are so back Jo Adell truthers


  2. GummyMummys

    Jo « I’m Not the Step Dad, I’m the Dad Who Stepped Up » Adell going to take Trout’s spot

  3. imthepits

    Wasting a World Series caliber rotation in real time..take notes friends!

  4. dont_trust_lizards

    Death, taxes, and the Angels having a guy that single handedly kills the Mariners 😎

  5. Icyhoticycold

    Bahahah this is the worst baseball team in MLB. What a fucking joke. Scott servais is a smooth brain loser

  6. NewExtent77

    Mariners gonna be battling the Rags for 2nd place pretty soon 

  7. Onitsukaryu

    117 wRC+ this month for Jo. Hopefully a sign he’s turning it back around. 

  8. clutch-city2k15

    the most clutch player for the astros this year

  9. 67684654987834

    Break out the cock sand fellas, Adell is back in Seattle

  10. cesd3967

    to be fair at this point if you put ***me*** in a Angels uniform and I’d find a way to manage to beat the Mariners in late innings

  11. LogicalHarm

    LMAO « Eric Young Sr. almost scored himself running down the line »

  12. jfrodriguez1983

    Here we are being mediocre as fuck and somehow we are now just 4 games back. Does no one want this division lol.

  13. hickopotamus

    Honestly, fuck it. It’s hard to be upset at something so predictable.

    Good for the Angels and Angels fans, who are the only other franchise with a comparable experience to M’s fans.

  14. Wyattwat

    Damnit we really beat the Astros just for the Mariners to shit the bed again lmao

  15. basket_of_asses

    Really it was the 4 walks in the 8th/9th that just killed the Ms.

  16. NoScale9117

    Angels could probably get the most return from Seattle at the deadline, if only to make it stop.

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