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(Jomboy) « Sois un peu plus intense, mon frère. UN PEU. UN PEU, MON FRÈRE. » Les Yankees marquent immédiatement 6 points après que Stroman leur ait crié dessus dans l’abri.

(Jomboy) « Sois un peu plus intense, mon frère. UN PEU. UN PEU, MON FRÈRE. » Les Yankees marquent immédiatement 6 points après que Stroman leur ait crié dessus dans l’abri.

Par ActualDragonHeart


  1. GrandOk2020

    I mean he’s not wrong the team has been absolutely lifeless for weeks

  2. Lucky_Alternative965

    Shii, maybe Stroman need to yell at me.

  3. TrapperJean

    This is shit CC would have said, just a little more subtle lol. Stroman is good for this team, we want dudes who *care*. This is a fanbase who willed Paul O’Neill into a number retirement, this is gonna play well with non-racists on WFAN call ins

  4. ImaManCheetahh

    moral of the story – scream at your own team for a perfectly fine defensive play and good things will happen

  5. FudgeSupreme22

    Jomboy enjoying his friday and giving us play by play breakdowns. What a gem.

    PS the jomboy breakdown of the padres/gnats saga was glorious, must watch. Unless your keibert ruiz

  6. Negative_Method_1001

    Stroman plays with a permanent chip on his shoulder But maybe the rest of the non-Judge/Soto dudes need to as well. They could learn something from him.

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