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(Alex Fast) Gunnar Henderson a un fWAR de 6,0. C’est le fWAR le plus élevé qu’un joueur ait obtenu à ce stade de la saison depuis Barry Bonds en 2002.

(Alex Fast) Gunnar Henderson a un fWAR de 6,0. C’est le fWAR le plus élevé qu’un joueur ait obtenu à ce stade de la saison depuis Barry Bonds en 2002.

Par Seth531


  1. Some more context: The Orioles have played exactly half their games. 12.0 fWAR would be good for 10th of all time behind just Ruth, Bonds, Gehrig, and Hornsby

  2. LordOverload

    He’s really fun to watch. I think there’s a lot of people who are already penciling judge in as the MVP but it’s so much closer than they realize

  3. Table_Coaster

    on pace to surpass every one of roided-up Barry Bond’s seasons at the age of 22 at SS lol this kid is going to be a legend if he stays healthy

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