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(Petriello) Les Phillies ont peut-être perdu Bryce Harper *et* Kyle Schwarber sur blessure ce soir. Espérons que ce ne soit pas grave, mais ce n’est pas agréable à regarder ni l’un ni l’autre.

(Petriello) Les Phillies auraient pu perdre Bryce Harper *et* Kyle Schwarber sur blessure ce soir. J’espère que ce n’est pas sérieux, mais ce n’est pas génial à regarder ni l’un ni l’autre.

Par amatom27


  1. FancyKilerWales

    I hate the Marlins with all my being

  2. Skywalkerkid9

    I don’t know what our record without Harper and Schwarber is since 2022 but I’m gonna guess it’s something like

    Not good – Pretty bad

  3. That felt like an ominous bookmark moment on the season. Collapse begins now.

  4. Well now that one reporter who said the Phillies fans were ruining all star voting can sleep well knowing his sacred weekend is safe

  5. ArielChefSlay

    Well Schwarber shouldn’t be out for long right? I’m scared about Bryce tho 😭

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