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(en vedette) Grimace boit une bière pendant l’interruption due à la pluie au Citi Field

(en vedette) Grimace boit une bière pendant l’interruption due à la pluie au Citi Field

Par Stock412


  1. GodPowardKingOfLies

    If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: Dudes fucking rock.

  2. Cheetara42004

    Why is it giving….


  3. KrustyKrabPizzaMan

    Meanwhile the ghost of Dandy is snorting coke

  4. IntellectualFurudo

    It’s Grimace’s world and we’re all just living in it.

  5. felis_scipio

    May Grimace be with you


  6. JiveChicken00

    Grimace is starting to look like he did a little too much meth.

  7. atoms12123

    We’re a fucking delusional fanbase.

    In the best way possible.

  8. Bootyclapthunder

    How can you not be romantic about baseball?

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