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Un jeu en tête-à-tête du receveur Shogo Sakakura aide les Hiroshima Carp à réaliser un double jeu 2-6-4.

Un jeu en tête-à-tête du receveur Shogo Sakakura aide les Hiroshima Carp à réaliser un double jeu 2-6-4.

Par thecursedlexus


  1. GSR_DMJ654

    You can see it before the pitch. He had it all planned out if contact was made. He nailed it. Also, shoutouts to the second baseman for the off balance throw and the first baseman for that awkward catch.

  2. oogieball

    Always nice to watch crisp execution like that.

  3. CalRipkenForCommish

    Nice play all around, well prepared team. Anticipation of the bunt, coming out of the crouch, the footwork preparing to throw, on target throw, ridiculous turn by the 2B…yep, a thing of beauty

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