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(Point culminant) DJ LeMahieu joue une petite défense de ligue permettant à Lindor de se classer deuxième

(Point culminant) DJ LeMahieu joue une petite défense de ligue permettant à Lindor de se classer deuxième

Par JacobDeGod48


  1. irishfan321

    The Yankees are like that 3-headed dragon meme except the third head is literally everyone except Judge and Soto

  2. kirky-jerky

    This is sad considering how much people are already shitting on him.

  3. cooljammer00

    Thankfully it didn’t end up mattering and he didn’t score, but yeesh.

  4. Rated_PG-Squirteen

    DJ is what we call « washed. »

  5. batmansascientician

    That was somehow still better than his last at bat

  6. TheDangiestSlad

    DJ is so cooked man, it breaks my heart

    he’s actually worse than Ellsbury was 🙁

  7. WhereTheFallsBegin

    Good for him for securing the bag but giving this juiced ball merchant that contract was such a stupid decision

  8. GrandJudgment

    DJ this ain’t fielding practice buddy 😂😂😂

  9. insert-originality

    That should get you benched. I’ve gotta know what was in his mind before he whiffed on that.

  10. the-spaghetti-wives

    Apart from Volpe, the Yankees need an entirely new infield.

  11. Pretty_Good_At_IRL

    Batting .185, so he’s got that going for himself.

  12. ForensicFiles88

    LeMahieu is currently at 93 career stolen bases, will he get to 100?

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