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(Point culminant) Hunter Greene vomit après son premier lancer à Bryan Reynolds

(Point culminant) Hunter Greene vomit après son premier lancer à Bryan Reynolds

Par amatom27


  1. Beef-Salad-7431

    Lol I have never seen a more clear « did that dude just ralph » face on a guy in my life

  2. imightbehitler

    It’s hard to explain how hard it is to pitch on an iffy stomach, but the force major leaguers put into every pitch is another level

  3. Bro what am I watching? Reynolds hit a 2 rum homer after that LOL. Extends his hit streak to 22 games

  4. hubagruben

    Well, if the spitball is banned, what else are we supposed to do?

  5. forward1213

    Foreign substance on the mound! Suspend him now!

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