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(Rogers) Le chef d’équipe Vic Carapazza concernant l’expulsion d’Edwin Diaz ce soir lors du match Mets/Cubs après avoir vérifié sa main : « Ce n’était certainement pas de la colophane et de la sueur. Nous en avons vérifié des milliers. Je sais quel est ce sentiment. C’était très collant.

(Rogers) Le chef d’équipe Vic Carapazza concernant l’expulsion d’Edwin Diaz ce soir lors du match Mets/Cubs après avoir vérifié sa main : « Ce n’était certainement pas de la colophane et de la sueur. Nous en avons vérifié des milliers. Je sais quel est ce sentiment. C’était très collant.

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. TheTurtleShepard

    The classic “it was the stickiest substance I’ve ever felt” defense

  2. Jud000619

    He knows from experience how sticky hands feel like


    Did he say this right after saying he ejected him for too much rosin? Which one is it?

  4. NJthecollector

    Hey I’ve heard that one before! Wait a minute …

  5. coltsmetsfan614

    It’s fucking absurd that umpires can just go out there and say shit like this without any tests being done to confirm whether they’re right or wrong. I don’t trust umpires to call balls and strikes correctly, but I’m supposed to believe they know the difference between rosin and other, illegal substances? The players should’ve fought against this; they’ve really fucked themselves over.

  6. nugget136

    And umps see thousands of pitches and baseball plays and still fuck things up all the time. Maybe your feeling that it was « very sticky » shouldn’t be taken as gods word

  7. NuanceManExe

    Does rosin not feel sticky? Why can’t they just make him wash his hands? Have they not done that instead with other pitchers before?

  8. Knightbear49

    They should have to prove it. “I know what that feeling is” doesn’t pass the sniff test.

    What is it? Prove it’s not actually sweat and rosin.

  9. coolio5400

    interesting to note that Mendoza said the umpires told him just too much rosin

  10. JT_Cullen84

    I hate that this is a judgement call. There’s no criteria for this.

  11. Every time this happens we have to hear people talking about how enforcement of this rule is so subjective it’s effectively impossible and yet 99%+ of pitchers comply with it with zero issues.

    Maybe a famous reliever who has notably been struggling a lot this year tried to give himself a leg up tonight, that’s not exactly a far-fetched idea.

  12. PattyIceNY

    In a 3 run game?? I just don’t see why Diaz would risk it.

  13. Guymcpersonman

    Everyone knows you have to warm up with rosin (because warming up different than you pitch is dumb), wash everything off, then rosin back up on the mound.

    This system makes sense.

  14. 10 game suspension for an ump being in his own fucking head with no checks or balances whatsoever. These clowns don’t have a single definition laid out for what « sticky » or « discolored » means so there is quite *literally* literally no way to dispute them.

    Years down the line, we’re going to look back on this period of baseball and wonder just how this completely asinine system existed for as long as it did.

  15. KryptisReddit

    Why risk cheating when your team is having such a good resurgence. Fuck man.

  16. fk_the_braves

    All these umpires must have degrees in chemistry or engineering

  17. nokiabrickphone1998

    Speaking from experience, when you get live resin on your hands it is extremely sticky and damn near impossible to remove

    Oh sorry ROSIN nevermind

  18. TealandBlackForever

    It was some of Eduardo Perez’s peanut butter I’m sure.

  19. This is probably a stupid question, but what would happen if they just banned rosin too?

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