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(SNY) Edwin Díaz dit qu’il utilise « toujours la même chose » sur ses mains et qu’il a été « vraiment surpris » d’avoir été expulsé ce soir :

(SNY) Edwin Díaz dit qu’il utilise « toujours la même chose » sur ses mains et qu’il a été « vraiment surpris » d’avoir été expulsé ce soir :

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. technowhiz34

    « I’m this sticky every night before I pitch »

  2. -orangejoe

    There needs to be a better way to test this. Maybe not for the regular check every inning, but if the umpires eject someone have them do a more legit test than just give feeling up their palm before issuing a suspension.

  3. RiverHeath1817

    Having a rule in place, based upon an umpire’s subjectivity on such a rule, where the consequence is an automatic ten game suspension, is completely silly.

    If Diaz is stating the truth on the matter, in which he was using rosin, sweat, and dirt, and the umpires deemed he was using “too much rosin”, then this rule needs to be revised.

  4. Meet_The_Grahams

    I would love to hear👂what Buck Showalter has to say about this.

  5. Bill2theE

    Clickbait headlines to come: “Edwin Diaz Admits to Cheating in All of His Appearances!”

  6. LordShtark

    So what he’s saying is he should have been tossed from every other game also because his hands are always covered in gunk before he even touches the rosin bag? 😆

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