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(Mastracco) Carlos Mendoza confirme qu’il s’agit d’une éjection de matière collante. Vic Carapazza a dit qu’il y avait trop de colophane. Les Mets joueront sans lui pendant 10 matchs.

(Mastracco) Carlos Mendoza confirme qu’il s’agit d’une éjection de matière collante. Vic Carapazza a dit qu’il y avait trop de colophane. Les Mets joueront sans lui pendant 10 matchs.

Par gamesforlife69


  1. robmcolonna123

    Rosin is in the game. Usage should be limitless. They need a legitimate system to judge and appeal!!!!

  2. toledosurprised

    the fact that you can get suspended for 10 games for something as subjective as “too much rosin” is absurd

  3. -orangejoe

    My inside sources are telling me he was simply enjoying a Grimace Shake in the bullpen and spilled some. I have reason to believe the Hamburglar is behind this.

  4. UnknownUnthought

    Why can’t we just have some kind of objective test of what is too sticky or too much rosin? An old guy’s judgement call could have big ripple effects on a team’s season.

  5. The umps: “It was the stickiest stuff I’ve ever seen or felt. The amount of stick was so overwhelming that I couldn’t even believe it myself.”

  6. pseudochef93

    Just for that Grimace will bless the Mets with an 8-2 run while he laughs at those who defy him.

  7. wobuffet17453

    Love a rule with such concrete guidelines as « too much »

  8. TheTurtleShepard

    Too much Rosin is a weird reason to eject someone

    I know both Domingo German and Clarke Schmidt have been instructed previously to wash off the rosin because umpires thought they had too much but neither were ejected

  9. SlatsAttack

    Fun fact: The Mets are undefeated in the post Diaz era.

  10. wobuffet17453

    Carapazza continued, « It was pretty sticky, I felt very yucky after touching it and if I feel yucky that’s 10 games. »

  11. Sad-Perception

    Stupidest thing about “too much rosin” is that you can just apply more from the bag after the hand check. So this doesn’t prevent anything!

  12. NuanceManExe

    Too much rosin is bullshit. Rosin is legal. How is a player supposed to know if he has too much? And if it’s too much of a legal substance then why not just have the player wash his hands or something? This game is a joke in its current format 

  13. will122589

    It was a legal substance and this ump had a stick up his ass and decided to eject Diaz anyway.

    Forget suspending Diaz, suspend the ump for being an idiot 10 games

  14. Rudeyyyy

    What’s the barometer then for this? What is considered too much? That’s absolutely ridiculous. Players have to know.

  15. vietnamesegucci81

    the ejection is whatever but an automatic 10 game suspension for something that subjective is crazy

  16. UneducatedReviews1

    This is stupid. Either give a clear definition of how much rosin is acceptable or don’t eject people at all for using it. Why have some players been given the chance to wash the rosin off and some haven’t. There’s absolutely no consistency in these rules.

  17. Negative_Method_1001

    So its not a banned sticky substance. Its the one substance MLB explicitly allows pitchers to use but its entirely up to the individual umps discretion

    Excellent rule

  18. Negative_Method_1001

    The ejection is fine but a 10 game suspension that the Mets can’t call up a replacement pitcher for when the substance was confirmed to be rosin is WILD.

  19. philsfan1579

    Wet and sticky is very icky! Sticky and wet makes umpires upset!

  20. JT_Cullen84

    He hadn’t thrown a pitch, why can’t he just wash his hands?

    I understand this rule but the implementation and enforcement is such a clown show

  21. SpectreProXy

    Honestly, the ejection was whatever. It’s technically against the rules for Edwin to have had rosin before getting on the mound. But if we’re going to insist on « too much rosin » being a reason for ejection, then the 10-day automatic suspension has gotta go. It either needs to be appealable (if it isn’t already), shortened, or maybe a « three strikes » (heh) kind of thing where the suspension only kicks in after multiple offenses.

    Of course, it would be better if there was just a standard rule about how much sticky stuff a pitcher can apply, but I guess we can’t have that.

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