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(McTaggart) L’interview d’après-match d’Alex Bregman a été reprise par son fils de 23 mois, Knox, qui avait hâte de se diriger vers la cage des frappeurs et l’abri.

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. Thorlolita

    Yeah that’s his son for sure. Bregman spends all offseason hitting. Altuve just takes naps on the beach.

  2. Diamond--95

    Oh my gosh, what a cutie pie!!!! He’s got this pregnant lady crying.

  3. everydayasl

    Got his autographed ball on my shelf. So glad I did. A treasure!

  4. outsideskyy

    Keeping a straight face is impossible 😂

  5. salamiTommy_

    Me in a teams meeting when I work from home, except my kids are telling me why the other one needs to go to timeout or asking if they can get a snack.

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