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(Point culminant) Les Yankees reprennent l’avantage avec le 28e circuit de la saison d’Aaron Judge.

(Point culminant) Les Yankees reprennent l’avantage avec le 28e circuit de la saison d’Aaron Judge.

Par handlit33


  1. All these Arson Judge home run threads look the same

  2. TheDangiestSlad

    lmao he jammed the bat down like he thought he got under it

    get porched! (honestly that was probably at least 10/30, looked like it went a bit back)

  3. LordOverload

    I’m not quite sure I will ever get over how good he is

  4. SalemsRot

    My man is angry he didn’t hit it further

  5. ActualDragonHeart

    With this home run, Judge and Soto are now tied with a batting average of .304. But Judge’s OPS towers over Soto’s, .997 to 1.127

    Judge is so locked in this season, it is insane.

  6. Anthony-Richardson

    Smoltz is so butthurt. Fox broadcasts even worse than ESPN.

  7. CosmicLars

    Did Charlie Morton really think that Frisbee would get this man out? 😅

  8. Xno_Kappa

    And Smoltz audibly annoyed by it. All is right with the world.

  9. InYourFace1023

    Should have thrown that pitch in a different park

  10. Darkforces134

    101.5 MPH EV

    26° LA

    366 FT

    .620 xBA

    9/30 HR/Park

  11. cooljammer00

    It won’t make up for 2017, but it helps

  12. ThisGuy6266

    Has it been mentioned why he wears these teal sleeves now?

  13. Fun-Raise-3120

    That’s a cheapie, relatively speaking

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