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(Point culminant) Deux lancers après le début du match, Ozzie Albies porte le score à 2-0 pour les Braves contre les Yankees avec un circuit.

(Point culminant) Deux lancers après le début du match, Ozzie Albies porte le score à 2-0 pour les Braves contre les Yankees avec un circuit.

Par handlit33


  1. Chaingunfighter

    I had to do a double take when I saw that the score was 2-0 and Rodón only had 2 pitches thrown total.

  2. KrustyKrabPizzaMan

    This is a good thing as now I don’t have to watch this miserable broadcast. Thanks Carlos Pavano

  3. unfortunatebastard

    Man, kelenic guy is making fun of us from his dungeon

  4. wompwump

    Rodon with an S-tier: “FUCK”

    Low key surprised it wasn’t loud enough for the broadcast to pick up

  5. CartoonSportsNetwork

    His swing is too sweet *chef’s kiss

  6. juayfare

    Just noticed Albies’ back foot is outside the batters box before the swing. No violation?

  7. MattO2000

    wtf I was told Braves couldn’t hit homers

  8. deepfreeze66

    After each hit, Rodon started acting like his pitch com was messed up. As if that’s the reason he was getting raked.

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