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(BNS) si les Blue Jays ont encore quatre matchs de moins à la date limite, je m’attendrais à ce que Kikuchi et Garcia soient échangés. Jansen pourrait y aller. Et peut-être Chad Green, Turner, KK. Les joueurs avec plus de contrôle seraient plus difficiles à obtenir, en particulier Bo et Vlad qui resteront très probablement tous les deux à Toronto.

(BNS) si les Blue Jays ont encore quatre matchs de moins à la date limite, je m’attendrais à ce que Kikuchi et Garcia soient échangés. Jansen pourrait y aller. Et peut-être Chad Green, Turner, KK. Les joueurs avec plus de contrôle seraient plus difficiles à obtenir, en particulier Bo et Vlad qui resteront très probablement tous les deux à Toronto.

Par EarthWarping


  1. Far_Cry3445

    That’s probably the right move. If you aren’t extending Bo/vlad though then do you just expect to be better next year with them?? Whatever they’ve tried hasn’t worked so I think trading 1 of them may be a good shakeup that’s needed

  2. Character_Magazine55

    Are Bo and Vlad free agents at the end of next season? Kind of seem like off season trade candidates depending on how they finish the season.

  3. thediesel26

    Yimi just went on the IL with elbow stuff. I’d guess his value is basically zero.

  4. -rfc-2549

    Keep Bo, Vlad and the Buffalo Boys. Most others can go. Springer can go first.

  5. RichardNixon345

    Turner is hitting .238/.331/.371

    Kiermaier is .192/.243/.300

    Jansen is .241/.329/.428

    I mean, you can *declare* they’re up for trade, sure, but you’re not going to get much for the first two unless they get really hot. .238 for a DH is ass, and JT’s fielding days are pretty much over.

  6. hubagruben

    Is it just me or are there a lot more Blue Jays trade rumors being posted here than all other teams combined? Especially the « rumors » from this reporter that mean absolutely nothing in mid-June.

    Either way, it’s too early to be doing this. If the Blue Jays (and many other teams in similar boats) end up selling, they won’t decide to do it until the week leading up to the deadline. Anything until then is just fluff.

  7. TheDangiestSlad

    died 2022 born 2024 welcome back Yankee Chad Green

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