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Josh Naylor frappe son deuxième circuit du match pour porter le score à 8-0 pour les Guards

Josh Naylor frappe son deuxième circuit du match pour porter le score à 8-0 pour les Guards

Par HalfwayThereOne_


  1. Komodo040

    Gotta be so tiring to have to run all the way around the bases in back to back at bats /s

  2. GSR_DMJ654

    Dude is hitting the ball like Liam Neason in Taken.

  3. DZepperoni

    Thank you, Seattle pitching, for waking Josh Naylor up.

  4. Sheepies123

    Leaned on that one so hard he feel into the opposite batters box haha

  5. AllOfTheDerp

    Look at that footwork falling into the batters box

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