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(Clement) Aimee Betro, employée des Milwaukee Brewers, identifiée comme une « femme assassine » embauchée pour tuer le propriétaire de la boutique Sikander Ali

(Clement) Aimee Betro, employée des Milwaukee Brewers, identifiée comme une « femme assassine » embauchée pour tuer le propriétaire de la boutique Sikander Ali

Par Nero_P2020


  1. KimHaSeongsBurner

    *Joe Kelly has been added to the permanently ineligible list.*

  2. CosmicLars

    This should disqualify them from playing anymore baseball this year. 🤔

  3. Smh, Brewers making their employees get second jobs just to get by

  4. AdrenochromeBeerBong

    Yet *another* baseball front office worker disappears to pursue their secret second life as an international soldier of fortune. The league better crack down on this before it gets out of hand.

  5. she doesn’t look like an assassin. I guess that’s why she was hired…

  6. Jeff_Banks_Monkey

    Congrats to all of those that had this on their bingo card this year

  7. JaricLefty

    Looks like trouble is brewing!

    I’ll show myself out.

  8. twofeetcia

    The amount of adds and click throughs on that site is too damn high!

  9. RockinTheFlops

    Honestly there’s nothing like baseball.

    Just filled to the brim with the most bizarre, unbelievable stories imaginable.

    Truly stranger than fiction.

  10. Did the writers really think injecting this crazy amount of drama would offset all the players that got dropped before the season started?

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