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(Joel) Le juge subit une imagerie au Columbia Presbyterian ce soir et devrait être vu par le médecin de l’équipe des Yankees, Chris Ahmad.

(Joel) Le juge subit une imagerie au Columbia Presbyterian ce soir et devrait être vu par le médecin de l’équipe des Yankees, Chris Ahmad.

Par Stock412


  1. TheDangiestSlad

    is this completely standard procedure? yes

    am i going to freak out over it? also yes

  2. DollarsAtStarNumber

    Can we please stop hitting MVP frontrunners?

  3. TigerBasket

    I hope this isn’t serious. Don’t need a beanball war right now.

  4. GiantsXLII

    Do the imaging now, I want a Meredith update next half inning

  5. pseudochef93

    > Columbia Presbyterian

    Oh they’ll get him back on the field in no time. S+ Tier system.

  6. 0dias_Chrysalis

    That’s 2 MVP candidates in 3 days to be beaned bad at the hand

  7. omgitsduaner

    Heading over there now for the candlelight vigil

  8. twobridges94

    If Judge’s massive hands can’t take a fastball from Albert Suarez then he doesn’t deserve them

  9. Much_Purchase_8737

    Tradition for the Yankees. Get a player off the IL, replace him with another one. Can we catch a fucking break for once? It’s been this way for so many years. Fucking hell.

  10. No_Statistician_776

    Serious question. He had the hand guard. Why is the lower hand’s guard not protecting the bottom of that hand (where it would likely be hit on a check swing like this)? That feels like a poor design.

  11. Yankees beaned 5 Orioles in 4 games down in Baltimore because they pitched us inside all day. Now they are seeing what happens when they return the favor.


  12. Grouchy_Competition5

    Down goes Betts…

    Then Judge…

    Astros climbing out of the basement…

    Now Verlander…

    wait, no

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