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(Point culminant) Juan Soto se heurte à Westburg en essayant de se classer 3e sur un ballon au sol et il est exclu pour interférence pour mettre fin à la manche.

(Point culminant) Juan Soto se heurte à Westburg en essayant de se classer 3e sur un ballon au sol et il est exclu pour interférence pour mettre fin à la manche.

Par Knightbear49


  1. theRedreps99

    Can’t fault him for trying, Stanton was never beating that throw otherwise

  2. TheDangiestSlad

    babe wake up, new awkward Juan Soto interference just dropped

  3. InfectiousCosmology1

    It’s crazy how he’s like an insanely gifted athlete but somehow has tons of highlights here he looks so uncoordinated and awkward lol

  4. B-More_Orange

    Hey Soto, how about you shuffle your ass around the fielders instead of injuring our players?

  5. Ok-Establishment-240

    Big Al boutta send 97 to Soto’s ribs next ab

  6. As an unbiased party – if this was on purpose he did a good job making it look accidental. Never saw Westburg until he was right in front of him and seemingly did what he could to contort his body out of the way

    I also don’t believe Soto purposely wants to put himself in any harm’s way with how he’s performing, during a contract year, and after the forearm scare but I could be totally wrong

  7. just sayin kikuchi looked a lot more like a man whose brain shorted the fuck out

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