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(Saunders) J’ai lu beaucoup de spéculations/opinions selon lesquelles les #Rockies vont/devraient échanger Ryan McMahon. D’après tout ce qu’on m’a dit, il ne va nulle part.

(Saunders) J’ai lu beaucoup de spéculations/opinions selon lesquelles les #Rockies vont/devraient échanger Ryan McMahon. D’après tout ce qu’on m’a dit, il ne va nulle part.

Par Knightbear49


  1. Sheepies123

    Why would the Rockies do something that makes sense?

  2. Redbubble89

    Rockies never trade anyone. They got nothing out of Story or Gray when they were there a few years ago. Despite how well he’s doing this year, I am not sold on him for another 3.5 years for around $44M. He’s a league average bat and defender. There’s cheaper players on the market on one year deals that might yield the same production.

  3. SchmantaClaus

    Really seems like they should trade him though, right? Only one more guaranteed year of control

  4. Rockies have had lots of valuable players but refuse to ever sell cause burrr we aren’t the league’s farm system

  5. CosmicLars

    Just because a solid player is having a good year on a bad team, doesn’t mean the rest of the league is owed his services. He is locked up & a fan favorite. Keep him.

  6. FYI per Spotrac and MLB, McMahon’s opt-outs are not currently in effect. He needs to finish in the top 5 of MVP voting to activate the player options for ‘26 or ‘27.

  7. cooljammer00

    It must suck to be a good player on the Rockies, because you know you can’t even play good enough to get traded somewhere better.

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