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(ChrisRoseSports) Paul Sewald pense que la MLB devrait envisager de repousser la date limite des échanges avec le nouveau format des séries éliminatoires

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. Pushing back the deadline would give rental players even less value. At some point teams just have to make a decision.

  2. cooljammer00

    He has a point. If teams are still « in it » much later in the year now due to the extra spots, why is the inflection point of decision making still at the same time?

    And then last year we saw a bunch of teams just putting guys on waivers anyway once it was more clear their season was over.

  3. You want it to be a sellers market.

    It forces the good teams to overpay for talent and it drains their farm systems quicker.

  4. VariousLawyerings

    I hate the 6 team playoff but fewer sellers and a stronger sellers’ market for the teams who actually do badly need it doesn’t seem like one of the drawbacks.

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