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(Point culminant) Ryan McMahon vole la maison !

(Point culminant) Ryan McMahon vole la maison !

Par Knightbear49


  1. ManyCookies

    > There are like no Rockies karma whores! There’s no rush, wait for the one with the replay

    Sorry /u/confusedjuror , I forgot about Knightbear. 😔

  2. Maybe the rox should switch to the green city connect more often

  3. JonTheWizard

    I can practically hear him saying, “I am ze Spy!”

  4. thirdcoast1

    Jones nonchalantly turning around and strolling off the bump is hilarious to me.

  5. Rah_Rah_RU_Rah

    idk if I’ve ever seen someone look so dejected while making a catch

  6. Genuinely embarrassing for Grandal. Just no awareness or urgency. This is just as bad as a guy not running down the line and that gets players benched — except this directly led to a run.

  7. Il_Exile_lI

    Why the hell is Grandal throwing an eephus back to the pitcher with a guy on third? Just asking for trouble.

  8. PotentialSuperb

    Reaction from Jared Jones sums it up. Grandal has been lazy all year. He has zero business being on a major league roster. He’s useless.

    DFA Grandal. Fire Shelton. And the team becomes better overnight.

  9. magikarp2122

    And then the batter walked on a 2-2 pitch later in the AB.

    Grandal needs to be DFA’d after the game, that is inexcusable.

  10. Important-Stock-4504

    Worth the price of admission. Grandal has zero awareness

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