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(Sammon) Le releveur Jorge Lopez a accepté un accord de ligue mineure avec les Cubs de Chicago, disent des sources de la ligue à @PJ_Mooney et à moi.

(Sammon) Le releveur Jorge Lopez a accepté un accord de ligue mineure avec les Cubs de Chicago, disent des sources de la ligue à @PJ_Mooney et moi.

Par PlayaSlayaX


  1. Hopefully he’ll be tossing more gloves out to cubs fans like he’s Steve Aoki

  2. For his sake, I hope the Cubs have a proactive interpreter

  3. It’s going to go over a lot better when he says he’s on the worst team in MLB this time because Cub fans strongly agree with him

  4. rbhindepmo

    he can’t say anything about the Cubs or their fans that Lee Elia didn’t say in the 1980s

  5. 1005thArmbar

    It’s fine, it’s a minor league deal. Worst case scenario, he stinks it up in Iowa and gets sent packing after a few games. There’s no way he can be worse than [Cubs reliever I don’t like] anyway, right?

    Although he could also add value as a mop-up guy. If you’re up or down 5+, let him get some work in and save better bullpen arms for closer games

  6. thiccboiwaluigi

    I was gonna say that he’ll probably do much better with the cubs because they have a better infield defense but somehow they’re ranked below the Mets by OAA

    If they’re brining Lopez in just sub out Morel otherwise it might not be pretty

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